Here I am again, blogging during class hours which isn't exactly allowed but I just couldn't help it! So a little update.
Last Saturday while I was in school, my brother was sick with a fever and my mom decided to bring him to the hospital. See, he was really ill and his fever wasn't exactly coming down. Plus, he felt extremely weak. He got confined, and still is. But right now, he's getting better so thank the heavens! Honestly, him getting sick was also kind of a blessing in disguise - he actually brought my family together.. on fathers' day. As in my mom and my dad in the same room, acting all civil as if nothing happened. It almost felt normal. I tried really hard not to cry of course because I clearly never thought that day would come so soon. Plus, every time I would look at my brother while he was lying on that hospital bed, it just tore me apart. We were never really super close but we'd talk and joke around on some occasions and it hurt me to see him like that. I couldn't help but wish that it was me instead of him. But anyway, he's all better now and I couldn't be any more thankful!
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