This is what I've accomplished the day I bought the canvas.

Barely pretty and not well-proportioned. The background looks like crap because it is not finished yet. I'm trying out glazing just like that mother-crapper, Johannes Vermeer's style. Decided to start early and work on it as much as I can so I wouldn't feel too bad when I see the other contender's paintings.

This was my progress on that same day (Thursday night). What? I was in the mood.

Picture taken today after I painted some of the hair. I know, it still looks a bit off but when I'm done with this, she will be a bomb shell.

Up close and personal? Nah. Well, she doesn't look that bad when I first started with her, right? So mad props to me for that. I LOL at my self-flattery. Her boobs look weird I know - I will fix them. The shading's quite scary as well - I'll fix that too. You probably noticed she has more hair now! And it's extremely stylish. Shaven on one side - so hipster! Wait for the background, you will be shitting triangles once this is all over. LOLOLOL.
Phew! This is the longest entry I've written in a while, isn't it? Pats self on the back. I'm not done yet, though so you must go on and read.
This afternoon, right after class, my blockmates and I decided to play RockBand. It's actually pretty cool, you know? I never thought I'd get close with them especially when I first thought of them as snobs (I hope they don't read this!). But they all turned out to be pretty cool, approachable and really funny so we all sort of just got along. Wish I have pictures to show you guys but I rarely bring my camera with me anymore since it's just too heavy for my life! But one of this days I'll be tagging Tyler along with me to school or to Yanna's monthly party (a get-together of our block at her place every first week of each month). Can't wait to show you guys my new blockmates. It's nice to finally know people from outside my previous block.
Anyway! What was I talking about? Oh, right - RockBand! So yes, we played and had an absolutely great time. We sang and played instruments (although not for real, it almost felt legit) and bonded over a couple of stupid stuff that we found hilarious. It was kind of awkward though 'cause of that tiny sexual tension between me and my crush who sat beside me 91% of the time. We don't talk much but we hang out - heck I barely even look at him! So I was ranting to Yanna about how I always end up liking drummers then she was joking around that maybe I should ask my crush if he plays the drums, which I didn't, but found out while playing RockBand that he in fact, did. The blood in my face almost drained when he started pounding on the make-shift set just like a real drummer would. I mean, it's pretty easy to tell when a guy plays the instrument right? Ugh. I got semi-frustrated. But it's okay since it's nothing serious. It's just a tiny crush! Besides, there's actually this one guy I'm kind of getting to know at the moment but it's a story for another post so maybe when we're done with our first date, I can just tell you about it.. or not.
He's a drummer, too. Funny.
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