31 Dec 2012

Back Track

Maybe it's the holiday season, or the cold air I've been breathing the past twenty-four hours or so, or probably my craving for some Amaretto Sour or gin (I need to take my mind off it). But I'm suddenly in the mood to write.

What, you think I'm going to let the last day of 2012 slip through my fingers just like that without even a blog post? You're wrong. Because here I am, typing away in my mother's laptop. Trying to come up with something witty to say just so I can impress y'all with my big words. But not really. A year from now, when I read this entry I'd probably end up saying "What the hell was I thinking?!". The same thing I say-slash-ask after a drunken night. So to the next-year-me: shut up.

Twenty-twelve has been pretty okay. Honestly I don't remember much about it. Everything felt like a blur. The first couple of months felt like a routine: I wake up, get dressed, then just do something random with my friends like eat and then go home. Except for that time when all of my batch mates were in tears, writing on each other's uniforms about how much they'd miss them yadda yadda - they were all busy graduating: shopping for nice dresses and heels, getting their hair done and doing their make up; while I still had two semesters ahead of me. It's okay though 'cause this year wasn't so bad. The last quarter has got to be the best, though. So I'll write about that!

In October, I was persuaded by a friend to try and submit my CV to Styles Entertainment since they were looking for marketing interns, the same night I bagged myself an interview. After said interview, I didn't think I'd get the job since I practically know nothing about the company. But they still got me! That's one.

November rolled by and... well I don't remember much about it. But my friends and I had this super random trip to Tagaytay and I somewhat ended up in TEF (Tagaytay Electronica Festival) wherein I didn't plan on going to at all! Got drunk. The following week was Karla's birthday party which I could never miss for the world. That was an awesome night. I was drunk then, too.

And then there's December. And oh boy, did I love December. I really do! Lately I've been going out with friends, meeting new people and basically just having the time of my life. This is probably one of the things that I wasn't able to fully enjoy when I was in my teens. Maybe I'm just making up for it? Christmas was exceptional, I got to spend it with my family - complete family. That was really nice. And now it's the last day of twenty-twelve. Time to get drunk on cheap wine. ;)

2 Dec 2012

Goodbye, Multiply

Here are excerpts from some of my blog entries in Multiply.

April 14, 2007
Dear ANNE, Congratulations! It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted to De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. You are, therefore, eligible to enroll for the First Trimester of SY 2007-2008 in the degree program:

Bachelor of Arts, Major in Fashion Design and Merchandising

To confirm your enrollment, please submit the original copy of your fourth year report cardand other stated confirmation requirements (see attatched) to the Admissions Center on April 13, 2007 but not later than April 23, 2007. Non-submission of the confirmation requirements by the specified date will mean forfeiture of your slot.

Welcome to De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. We look forward to further developing your interests and talents. we also hope that you find your enjoyment and satisfaction in our innovative and learner-centered activities and methods.

October 2, 2007
Yesterday was quite a blast. Didn't go to school due to heavy rain fall here in the mountains. Actually it was more of like I made parinig to my dad that I don't have an umbrella and it's gonna be hard for me to go out in such weather.. COMMUTING. Haha! And yeah he didn't let me go out. *happy*

May 9, 2008
Tonight is not any different from the other nights I've had.

Okay, that's a lie.

I'm home on a Friday night. What else could be worse? I'd rather be here, than be outside with no cash. Hah.

June 24, 2008
Long weekend. Tomorrow is Manila day :D
Shall we rejoice?

July 7, 2008
I am a busy bee. I practically live in España and just sleep at home. I spend more time doing plates than planning gigs.

August 12, 2008
No matter what happens, I promise. I'm just one call away.. okay luvy? We are forever. Nothing can ever tear us apart. Like, you and me against the world. When you have a problem, you know who to call. I hate seeing you all messed up cos it makes me messed up too. :(

Just remember that I'm here for you no matter what happens, no matter who you've become and whatnots. :) You are so important to me. Extremely special. And I don't want you out of my life, ever.

I miss you luvy. I hope we can be together soon. Don't be sad, it breaks my heart.

October 11, 2008
The first ever semester of my college life is officially over since 8am on the 9th of October. Fun as it may seem, but I will surely miss everything about this sem.

I never knew I'd get this close to certain people from my batch, higher levels, other courses and such. Time flies by so fast especially when you're having fun. It seems like yesterday when I had my first day of classes -- the night before I hoped not to be late but I was anyway. Haha! Oh well, don't want to be too nostalgic here.

See you all next semester! :)
I love you to the people I'm always seen with.

October 31, 2008
I like boys who smell like cologne and cigarettes.

January 25, 2009

Okay so I am turning eighteen in less than five hours and I am not thrilled about it. It's just that, I've never had happy bithrdays. And I don't know if this time, it would turn out the way I want it to. But whatever, I don't really care anymore. Turning eighteen is just like turning seventeen. There's really nothing to be excited and thrilled about (except for being legal, that is).

So there. I am not thinking about this anymore =)) Come what may.

December 21, 2009
... I've realized though that I don't need a boyfriend, I just need a companion. Those are two different things. And that I am not yet ready for a relationship - a long-term engagement apparently scares the shit out of me.

... I didn't cry - I almost did but I didn't. This isn't because I am one heartless bitch, it is because I know I am strong. And no man deserves a woman's tears. Plus, I need to mature. I need to know and learn my limitations, what's good from bad. No more playing safe, no more settling for less.

June 13, 2010
I like it when you send me songs that you think I'd like, even when your hands get sweaty when you hold mine. I like it that you love my voice when I just woke up, and that you called just to sing me a stupid song you know I can't resist. Maybe you wouldn't be able to read this post but it would be better off that way. What we have now is lovely, and that's all that matters now. I am happy and so are you. Let's leave it like this.

Some things are just never meant to be the way we want them to. And being selfish isn't an option for any of us.

How ironic is this blog post? I'm not in love but my words seem to be sugarcoated. Love is bittersweet. Once again, I am not in love. I like somebody I am not supposed to. So for the record, fuck my life. It's gotta get bad before it gets good, they say, and I believe in this. I'm never going to give in completely ever again. I've learned my lesson.

November 10, 2010
Sometimes, God gives you something and takes it away in a heartbeat. But what if, he never really gave it to you anyway?

Then you start wondering, what if the one you really need is right in front of you but you keep taking him / her for granted? I've had my what ifs. And today my what if and I held hands. For the first time in the three years that we've been friends. GOD.