15 Jul 2008

I'm Dying

What's up with the weather? Fine, I love this type of weather but when I'm sick, it becomes the other way around. Every part of my body is literally aching. My head is palpitating and I couldn't lie down 'cos I feel like I'm drowning. Yep, you get the feeling right? It's awful.

It's just a Tuesday and I'm bound to do my plates. Hopefully finish half of what I need to do. After going online of course. I think I have nine plates to finish.
MDR: 3 plates
FDR: 1 plate
LETT: *counts* 4 plates
DC: 1 plate
ATY: 1 plate
That's fine arts for you! Most of us think that FA is easy. But it's not. Sure, there isn't any science involved or math (minor subject haha) but it's actually difficult! You can't study during exams. When no idea enters your head you're probably doomed! I'm afraid to say this but that's how things are. UST isn't a piece of cake. Big misconception in that area. ;)

I hope I heal quickly. The colds and cough are so annoying! I hate the feeling. And the fever! Ugh. This isn't good. The only good thing is that I don't have any major subjects today, just PE. Goodness. Tomorrow is a brand new day, I must go on and finish my work.

I hope I don't get super lazy!

I crave you.

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