6 Feb 2012

Ladytron is Wrong (Birthday Blog)

They only want you when you're seventeen
When you're twenty-one, you're no fun.
- Seventeen, Ladytron

I would like to prove Ladytron's lyrics to this song, wrong. Last January 26, I officially turned legal all over the world. Yes, I am twenty-one. At first it feels kind of weird that now you have to say it but then it doesn't really feel any different. Honestly, it still feels like I'm nineteen years old.

On the day itself, I decided to spend it with my dad since my mom wasn't around. We had dinner at Ramen Cool in Kapitolyo and then we bought Moonleaf after. See, now my day is never complete without milk tea. The food in Ramen Cool was so good that it makes me want to go back again! Their sushi was delicious.

This was the only photo from that dinner. That's my dad by the way. I wish I had more photos though!

After Kapitolyo, we headed straight to Tiendesitas so dad could have coffee and have Karla (together with our other friends) pick me up. We went to The Fort to meet up with Jacob and headed off to Cubao X for the Fluxxe reunion. I'm not really one for parties, for my birthday last year I had dinner and coffee with friends and this was quite different.

With Eunice.

Willar and Dave

Can I just say, mukha akong basura next to him?!

The fiercest. Eunice and Mark.

With Jacob and Karla.

Happy fucking birthday to me + semi-signature red lipstick.

Photos courtesy of Karla Ynzon (b/w) and Paul Jatayna (colored).

Will post my birthday haul soon!