30 Apr 2011

Spring Cleaning

It isn't Spring (well, at least not in the Philippines since we only have two seasons) but I felt so bad for my room that I just had to get off my butt and start managing all this mess.

It was bound to happen one way or the other. No matter how lazy I could get, I still found a reason to just do it. Besides, there was nothing left to do and I haven't worked out since.. Oh, right.. I don't work out. But you get my point, right?

So yes.. those are the before photos of my room. You must have noticed the mountain of clothes here and there. I never fail to make a mess every time I get ready, especially when I'm in a rush to get out of the house.

But then after a little bit (a lot, actually) of sweeping, dusting, folding and organizing.. this is the result. Do you see the huge difference it made? I'm absolutely happy about it! Although I don't exactly sleep in my room anymore, at least I wouldn't be too shy to let anyone see it. Everything is in place - well, almost!

Check out my desktop wallpaper! Pierce the Veil for the win!

22 Apr 2011

Even in the Summer

It's currently 4:20AM, April 22; Good Friday 2011. And I've been checking out random music videos of bands I've been listening to for the past months on YouTube. I'm sure you all know who New Found Glory is. If not, then Google them and check out their tunes (if you're into the same music as me, that is).

This is them.

Well as I was browsing through their multiple videos, I came across one of my favorite songs by them: It's Not Your Fault. See, I never really got around checking out their videos since I'm not much of a YouTube-r but when I do, I make sure that I get to watch a lot.

So the video! It has got to be one of my favorite music videos made ever. It was sweet with an unexpected ending (much like Rookie of the Year's "What is Love"). So if you haven't seen it, then all you have to do is click this.


What a nice way to start good Friday. :)

20 Apr 2011

Happy 420!

To those of you who don't know what "420" is, then let me help you understand the whole concept of it. Four-twenty is a day celebrated by all hmm.. weed-enthusiasts.. smoke up and get baked like a fucking cake every April 20, at 4:20PM. See, I don't really know who came up with this or whatever but a lot of people seem to be doing it.

I'm quite positive that today is one of those days that I will regret not having my own stash. I know this isn't something that I should freely talk about over the Internet but hey, chill bros. It's only 420. And I had a really bad day yesterday. Now may I be excused?

13 Apr 2011

True story.

I don't know why people do it. Probably because of the thrill it brings. When you think that you're not supposed to do it, you get excited and with the fact that you're not allowed to make it happen.

Me? I'm guilty as charged. I like the thrill - I probably even live for the thrill. My whole being is all about excitement. Everything will be a bore without and that's why I look for it. That's right, I'm a thrill seeker, if you must. But then again, who isn't?

10 Apr 2011

I Quit

You might have noticed on how I stopped posting / updating about the 15-Day Challenge. Yup, I stopped at Day 10.

Anyway, now that I'm absolutely not busy, I started reading again. Like reading, reading. Not the usual stuff I read from the Internet but an actual book. A book I've always wanted to get my hands on but never really got the chance to because it's always out of stock at the bookstores. But yesterday, when my friend and I got into talking about random stuff, she mentioned that she has the book, and she let me borrow it! Wow!

I'm taking it really slowly though since I have so much free time and I'm afraid that I might run out of things to do once I finish the book. You see now why summer isn't exactly my thing? Too much vacancy, not enough money to fill it. Maybe I can ask my dad to get me more books. And maybe I can listen to more music. Probably spend my time making new T-shirts or figuring out what my thesis would be.

Seriously, I hope this will become a productive summer.