Anberlin's poster.
As for the band I (sort of) forgot Anberlin for?
The Whitest Boy Alive!!!!
Okay, so they're not totally famous and not a lot of people can really appreciate music like theirs but I'm one of those few kids who do so shut up and let's dance to Burning!
Back to the subject of birthdays and the number twenty. I am less than thrilled because as I have experienced for the past two (almost) decades, there is no January 26 that I did not cry. I always do! It's so weird. Birthdays aren't my thing and you know that feeling wherein nothing ever goes your way and it's your freaking day? Yeah, well I don't want to be over dramatic or anything like that but it's just the way it is. Hopefully, all that goes well, ends well. To lighten up the mood, I have decided to share with you guys my wishlist!
A puppy - specifically a Beagle. Because I've always wanted one and it just seems like I never got my hands on these adorable creatures. I've had puppies sure (right now I have three dogs: a Labrador in yellow, a Border Collie, and a Pitbull. All boys.) but a Beagle would surely make my year! Also to make up for Pepper's loss. She died half a year ago. It was sad :( SO GIVE ME A BEAGLE, PLEASE!!!
Vans Authentics in royal blue. Just because I'm in dire need of blue shoes and a new pair of sneakers. So why not hit two birds in one stone?
Brown oxfords. Never had brown shoes, really. And I can see myself pairing them with anything!
An iPhone4. 'Nuff said.
A lipstick in neon orange. Not because it's my crush's favorite color but because I'd like to try out something new other than having nude lips all the time.
A Macbook Pro. Hello, daddy. :)
A new set of make up brushes! PLEASE.
Eye shadow palette. I don't want the tiny ones that come in so many colors. I'd rather have it in five-peso-coin sizes.
A Moleskine so I can hone my illustrating skills.
Back and forth plane tickets to the following destinations. But a one way ticket for London. ;)
Revlon Photo Ready liquid foundation just because it's perfect! It makes my skin glow, no kid.
Rosary necklace in black. I wore Nicole's in Wall Lords 2010 and I fell in love with it. Gives an ordinary outfit that added oomph!
These strappy wedges from Topshop. Karla and I tried them on and I swear to baby Jesus that I can run in those things. They are extraordinarily comfortable! I was surprised, myself.
A varsity jacket for those cold nights. Perfect for my forever default white-v-neck-and-shorts outfit.
Black platform pumps - preferably YSL but that's something long term. Also I would definitely go for the Tributes but black pumps would do for now!
Lace-up boots AKA combat boots. My dad's actually getting me a pair for my birthday so I'm pretty stoked.
Topshop cream cornelli neck dress to match the boots, the oxfords and the kicks. See, I don't buy anything just to use them once. I buy one thing that could match everything in my closet and shoe rack! Chos.
So there you go guys. My wishlist. I might add a few articles of clothing. I think I'm getting a new pair of jeans soon. My dark blue jeans just don't do anymore. Tee-hee.
If you want to get anything, you can reach me via comments! That easy!