30 Sept 2010

Another Sleepless Night

I don't know how much I've been expounding on the fact how being a Fine Arts student is hard in this blog. But right now, I'm going to tell you again that it's not a piece of cake. My body clock has changed drastically ever since my first year and the only time I get it back to normal is during vacation. Normal meaning being able to sleep at night and be up all day. Yes, that's it. Being nocturnal isn't really my cup of tea but if it means that I get to submit my plates on time then I'm very much willing to bear with it. Just like tonight / this morning.

If you're wondering what I've been busy with for the past - say, six hours.. then I'd honestly tell you that I have been trying to finish two paintings. They're not really big ones or anything but they sure are a lot of work! For example, the first painting was actually due last week but there weren't any classes, and the second painting is due tomorrow (or later, rather). So basically, they're both to be submitted on the same day.. which is just.. BLAH. I've been working on plate number one since last week (done with it now) and I just sort of started with plate number two. My (personal) deadline is at nine this morning so I can prepare for the rest of my day.

Unlike other people, I don't need any sort of energy drink to keep me up but I'd probably need one when I leave the house to fight the urge of falling asleep. I'm reserving all that for Thursday night which I will be spending with my dad.

On the bright side, I'm pretty stoked to sleep over at my dad's place. I haven't seen him for more than a week and I miss him a lot. So I'm sure it's going to be a great weekend for me. I'm just wondering what stuff I should bring and how on earth am I going to commute with a bunch of stuff with me. I guess we'll just have to see, then?

Happy fiftieth anniversary to The Flinstones!

23 Sept 2010

New Layout!

After so many months of sticking with such a boring layout, I switched to a more dynamic one. Well, it has more going on than the previous one, don't you think? You know how I can change my mind. One moment I wanna have a clean, simple layout and a filled one (for the lack of the better term) on the next. But I always try to keep things simple.

I am also very proud to show everybody my logo. It has been in my head since last semester and I finally decided to work on it. And the result?

It's simple and modern at the same time, plus I wanted to play around with shapes. It's actually an ambigram! It says AV now and when you turn it upside down, it still says AV! How cool is that?! Okay so it's not that cool. I've actually made use of it already on this layout. Notice the extremely low-res header? Right beside The Diary, comes my logo. So what do you think? One day I'll modify it. The monochrome effect is kind of boring me. And it's too.. empty. Meh. I am too lazy to fix it right now. It's almost three, guys! Give me a break.

Anyway, since I haven't been updating much either, I would like to fill you in with random stuff regarding my life these past weeks.

Honestly, not much has happened. Wordpress still kinda bores me but maybe because I have always been a blogspot girl. It's like a constant in my life - it never changes. Look at it, it's still the same! See what I mean?

Another news is that.. Tyler broke. Yes, he did. I accidentally dropped him while I was in the restroom in Shangri-La and boy I was sent to panic mode. What happened after that? Let me tell you this: Error 99 happened. One of my worst nightmares = Tyler breaking. Canon, why do you make 40Ds like this?! Wasn't it built to last? Tyler's only two years old and I've only dropped him TWICE in it's life. WHY?! Ugh. Now I have to bring it to Canon's service center. Tyler needs help.

The same day that Tyler broke (prior to the program), I hosted The Bakery (the title of Izzy and I's show. It's called that way because we love pastries; don't ask.) on University Rock on NU107 with URockJock Izzy from Ateneo and we had A Boat Called Disaster (ABCD) as our guest band. They were pretty awesome, I tell you! Here are some pics I grabbed from their Facebook page.

(L-R) Kevin Shaw on vocals, Gab Bustos on drums, Marko Francisco on bass, Rafa Joseph and Miguel Velarde on guitars.

Dear God, why do I look like Jollibee in this picture? :( I have such huge cheeks.

It's funny how the three of us at the back (Rafa, me and Gab) have almost the same hair. Okay, it's not funny. It's just some random thing I noticed while looking at this photo (which is my favorite). That's Izzy on the far right, by the way.

Sorry for ruining this photo. I had no idea it was being taken! look like a complete dufus. Pardon my face. If you guys happen to be reading this, see you soon and good luck! You owe us brownies. It will remain engraved in my head until you give us some.

8 Sept 2010

Project Outer Space

So today, as I was bored out of my wits due to the fact that my brother had been hogging the Internet. Then I thought of customizing some of my stuff. And there it is, my boredom went away all of a sudden. At first I wanted to paint my shirt in this outer space kind of theme, but then I remembered something.. MY PLAIN WHITE SHOES!

I used them once when I went out shopping with Nicole. Well I actually, I used them the moment I paid for it. Now I think it's plain and boring. After deciding what I really want to do with it, I prepared the stuff I need.

What I used
  • Acrylic paint
  • Round and flat bristle brushes
  • Water
  • Canvas; in this case, a pair of white shoes.

And the finished product:

I have yet to paint the sole black because I do not have black acrylic paint, sad to say. But I think i'll manage to look for one outside the house. So, what do you think of my new shoes?

Oh Sweet '90s

I couldn't help but post this photo taken from one of my favorite movies of all time, The Little Rascals. It screams of cuteness.